What CLASP Does
- Supports faculty across OSUN partner institutions in best practices of liberal arts pedagogies through in-person and online professional development workshops focused on student-centered, inquiry-driven, writing-rich pedagogies.
- Develops and sustains a network of CLASP fellows made up of faculty across disciplines and institutions who offer pedagogical support and collaborate with other fellows across the network to develop new professional development blended workshops specific to the innovative curricular demands of OSUN.
- Contributes new research in the field of liberal arts pedagogy through projects in course design and the study of teaching methods.
- Translates signature writing-based teaching practices from the Institute for Writing and Thinking into a blended format, modeling ways that faculty can utilize these practices to meaningfully engage students across contexts.
- Offers an online space for faculty to collaborate on assignment design and teaching strategies and share pedagogical resources and research.
- Studies the impact liberal arts and sciences pedagogies have on student learning and success.
- Translates materials into other languages for wider use at campuses where instruction does not take place in English.